Other Web 2.0 Tools

Here are some other great sites that you can use to create projects:


1.  Pecha kucha:  https://www.pecha-kucha.org/presentations/ **blocked at school

2.  Museum in a box:  https://museumbox.e2bn.org/

3.  live binders:  https://livebinders.com/

4.  storybird:  https://storybird.com/

5.  masher:  https://www.masher.com/  **blocked at school

6.  prezi:  https://prezi.com/your/

7.  scratch:  https://scratch.mit.edu/

8.  Watchknow: https://www.watchknow.org/  *blocked at school

9.  voicethread: https://voicethread.com/

10.  Doink:  https://www.doink.com/  **is blocked to you at school

11.  Datagraph:  https://debategraph.org/home

12.  Page Flip-Flap:  https://www.pageflip-flap.com/   **creates online flipbooks with your documents

13.  Zoo burst:  https://www.zooburst.com/   **creates 3d pop up books online, blocked at school

14.  comic strip maker:  https://www.toondoo.com/

15.  online movie maker:  https://www.fivesprockets.com/fs-portal/  

16.  Scrap blog:  https://scrapblog.com/